Use Code RYANBDAY10 Celebrate Ryan\'s Birthday and Save 10% On Current Breaks During Ryan\'s Show! Code Expires When Ryan Signs Off For the Day!

Bat Barrel & Knob Bounty = $@200  !  NFL Shield Bounty = $3,350  !  Superfractor Bounty = $1,300  !  NBA Logoman Bounty = $1,950  !  Soccer True 1/1 Bounty = $350  !  Bounties Awarded via Site Credit

Break Results

RPS 2018 Elite Draft Football Case Random Teams #1

blake.williams41 49ers
Scotquinn22 bears/falcons
Forbzie021 bengals
fal bills
pj.stojanovic broncos
bwig22 browns
tstroot bucs
dustin426 cardinals
ljmaya chargers
sportsjunkie22 chiefs
chrisseidl76 colts
phipsi40 cowboys
josephdelfs dolphins
erikgustafcarlson eagles
phipsi40 giants/patriots
Bmore08 jaguars
bwig22 jets
ejames_71271 lions
costy7988 panthers
MarcC raiders
chrisseidl76 rams
tilli33 ravens
fal redskins
Stew20CH saints/packers
grandmag59 seahawks
Hambergerron steelers
shytowncubsfan texans
leghorn56 titans
GyorkoNtexs vikings